
Your Career Development Strategy Needs These 5 Things

Talent Management and Workforce Planning

It’s easy to tell you to set up a career development program to nurture your employees’ futures; it’s a little tougher to actually implement one. Should you enter into a partnership with an outside learning organization, such as a college or university? Should you build an internal learning program? What would you even include? Don’t […]

Stay Positive at Work With These Unexpected Tips

Employee Wellness

Sometimes it’s hard to show up for work with a smile, even when you’re working from the couch. But it’s important to stay positive as often as possible, because your attitude can impact every person you interact with that day. How can you lift up someone’s day with a happy, inviting face? Try these ways […]

5 Steps to Strengthen Your LinkedIn Connections

Working Smarter

Quality, not quantity, reigns in networking: Those ten meaningful LinkedIn connections yield long-term results, not the thousands of random connections. Here’s how to build meaningful LinkedIn connections that last.

4 Tips for Successful Virtual Onboarding

Recruitment and Retention

Virtual onboarding isn’t going anywhere in the near future. From tech to team spirit, these four tips can help set up remote employees for success!

Five Questions You Should Have Asked During Your Interview

Job Searching

Asking great questions at the end of an interview earns you valuable insight and demonstrates your professionalism, thoughtfulness, and commitment to the job. So what is it about asking questions that makes confident interview candidates choke? Too often, candidates don’t prepare questions, they blank under the stress, or they miss opportunities to follow up on […]

College-Recruitment Strategies

YES! in the News

March 2022’s Orange County Business Journal features the latest YES! Your Human Resources Solution article, which discusses how a successful college-recruitment strategy can benefit your business. No one should have hired me out of college, but… …they did, and the sun still rose the next morning. Someone took a chance on polishing me. In fact, […]

Looking Beyond College Degrees in New Employees

Recruitment and Retention

Many employers still rely on education to predict job performance. If successful new hires in your field must come with a college degree, then our job fair preparation and college-recruitment strategies can come in handy. But is this always the best hiring strategy? What would happen if you looked beyond the “education” box?

Where Your Hiring Process Is Going Wrong

Recruitment and Retention

Having trouble finding employees to work for you? It may not be that people don’t want to work—it may be that they don’t want to work for you. Ouch, we know. Sorry. But if you’re consistently having trouble finding or keeping employees, it’s time to take a look at common reasons job seekers turn away […]

Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter That Gets You Noticed

Job Searching

Cover letters are a bear for many new job seekers. After the umpteenth job application, you might be tempted to copy and paste your cover letter or to give up on cover letters altogether—but do not do this! One cover letter never fits all, and a generic or missing cover letter is the kiss of […]

How to Find Talent at a Job Fair

Recruitment and Retention

When you’re looking to snag the best talent, you can’t show up for a job fair unprepared. You wouldn’t start an interview—never mind a hundred—without doing some pre-game work, right? Get a head start with these top tips to find talent at a job fair.

5 Steps to Becoming a Better Team Player

Working Smarter

Being a good team player is even more important when we’re removed from our office teammates and in close quarters with our housemates. But teamwork does not always come naturally to employees and homebound families, who are collaborating now more than ever. The first step to becoming a better collaborator? Becoming a better team player […]

Stay Socially Adept During Remote Work

Working Smarter

Your soft skills are more important than ever now you’re working from home. Without the water cooler and casual cubicle conversations, it can be tough to form social relationships with such little face time! After all, who knows what a respectful, funny, or empathetic person you are? Your results often shine brighter than your personality […]

YES! News

The “better” way to conduct layoffs

Layoffs are hard on everyone. Even as business leaders and HR professionals, layoffs are one of the hardest things we have to do. Regrettably, many of us remember this from the all-too-recent pandemic layoffs. Layoffs are a reality we may soon face again as the threat of recession looms. And while we may not have […]

Resolve conflict like a champ

We’re hard-pressed to say conflict resolution is a fun or glamorous part of a Human Resources or leadership role, but it’s one of the most critical parts. How you mediate conflict impacts employee morale and retention, and also shows your leadership abilities and your willingness to tackle the tough stuff. Your conflict resolution skills can […]

Stop! and hire this candidate

It’s easy to criticize potential hires and spot reasons why we shouldn’t hire them. That one is too arrogant, that one lacks technical skills, and that one knows nothing about the company. Process of elimination, right? But too often we fail to recognize the positive reasons why we should hire someone. Positive flags can be […]

Client Testimonials

"Kathi has been an extremely reliable, knowledgeable and indispensable resource for our growing business. Anytime we had a difficult issue or needed to refine, replace or upgrade our HR communication, Kathi provided outstanding support and feedback. She is a wonderful person and an outstanding, solution oriented communicator. I can't recommend her enough to businesses who need assistance with HR strategy and support."

"Kathi is reliable, knowledgeable, and an excellent communicator. She has always been readily available to help us with all of our immediate needs, from handbooks to policies, and notices. We highly recommend her. A great team player."

"SPMD has been partnering with Kathi for almost 4 years. She is a fantastic partner to our design firm. Her experience, knowledge, professionalism and ability to problem solve is the perfect package to fit our business. Over the years she has helped us navigate many employee situations quickly and re-wrote our Employee Handbook. Kathi is always there in a heartbeat when a situation arises and has the answers and advice we need. We highly recommend Kathi!"

“Kathi provided Senior Human Resources leadership to Orqis Medical for over six years. Her effectiveness is immediate, her contributions substantial, and her ability to integrate into the employee base as a consultant outstanding. I highly recommend Kathi to any company looking for senior management help in the HR arena, without the ability to hire a full-time manager. This is a go-to person for any small, medium, or start-up company.”

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