
Performance Review Guide for Spell-Check Junkies

When it comes to writing performance reviews, you’re probably not threatening to knock the Fifty Shades books off the best-sellers lists.  More likely, you’re not even thinking about how you’re writing—you’re pecking out a few sentences and hoping the spell checker doesn’t get too angry.  But it’s important to approach the performance document with that “how” in mind.  A performance document should be thorough and provide specific, descriptive feedback.  Remember, this writing is intended to help the employee with performance feedback, and it will become part of the employee’s permanent record.  The written document will also help guide you through the in-person performance review.

Fortunately, the YES! Your Human Resources Solution team is here with some simple tips to spice up your performance reviews and make them more effective.  For starters, let these action-oriented verbs, adjectives, and phrases jump-start your writing.

Accelerates Consolidates Follows up Inspires Optimizes
Adjusts Defines Generates Launches Oversees
Analyzes Demonstrates Influences Maximizes Prioritizes
Collaborates Ensures Initiates Negotiates Reinforces


Active Effective Innovative Meticulous Reliable
Cohesive Flexible Involved Perceptive Strategic
Comprehensive Hands-on Knowledgeable Persuasive Versatile


Works effectively with others Demonstrates good judgment in decision-making
Continually strives to reduce errors Initiates new ideas
Achieves results within deadlines Clearly understands department objectives
Leads by example Effectively uses new technological applications
Explores new procedures and approaches Welcomes opportunity for self-improvement

 Now that you’ve created a detailed and functional performance appraisal document, let’s apply it to the in-person review.

For those of you who aren’t gifted orators, fear not—you’ve created a thorough performance document that will help guide you!  But first, let’s set the environment for a successful discussion.  At the start of the performance review, let your words and pace set the tone for an open, unrushed discussion—and let the employee know this is a discussion, to encourage a give-and-take.  That can help take the edge off for anxious employees, and can encourage honest feedback.  Now back to that performance document.  Methodically go through the document, verbally expanding on important points or examples.  To foster that give-and-take, it may help to ask the employee’s opinion here and there.  This can also help you gauge the employee’s understanding of the review, which can help you improve your communication skills for the future.  Be sure to end the performance review with a positive statement, whether it relates to a job well done or to a year to focus on improvement.  Also include a thank you for the employee’s time and feedback; their responses help shape your management skills!

So you see, with a little time, effort, and some helpful tips from the YES! team, even spell-check junkies can start their appraisal documents on the road to greatness.  And great review documents form the foundation for smoother, more effective in-person reviews for both you and your employees.

For more great tips on performance reviews and other HR-related matters, check out the YES! Your Human Resources Solution website.

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"Kathi has been an extremely reliable, knowledgeable and indispensable resource for our growing business. Anytime we had a difficult issue or needed to refine, replace or upgrade our HR communication, Kathi provided outstanding support and feedback. She is a wonderful person and an outstanding, solution oriented communicator. I can't recommend her enough to businesses who need assistance with HR strategy and support."

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"SPMD has been partnering with Kathi for almost 4 years. She is a fantastic partner to our design firm. Her experience, knowledge, professionalism and ability to problem solve is the perfect package to fit our business. Over the years she has helped us navigate many employee situations quickly and re-wrote our Employee Handbook. Kathi is always there in a heartbeat when a situation arises and has the answers and advice we need. We highly recommend Kathi!"

“Kathi provided Senior Human Resources leadership to Orqis Medical for over six years. Her effectiveness is immediate, her contributions substantial, and her ability to integrate into the employee base as a consultant outstanding. I highly recommend Kathi to any company looking for senior management help in the HR arena, without the ability to hire a full-time manager. This is a go-to person for any small, medium, or start-up company.”

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