
Use Marketing to Improve Your Human Resources Strategy

Here at YES! Your Human Resources Solution, we talk a lot about how Human Resources works closely with everyone from management to small-business owners to professional-development staff.  But how about Marketing?  HR and Marketing aren’t as separate as you might guess.  In fact, attracting key customers and attracting top talent follows many of the same ideals, including marketing the business so it becomes an attractive venture.

Check out these marketing principles that go hand-in-hand with Human Resources practices:

Establishing a brand.  For starters, let’s demystify “branding.”  A company’s brand is it’s personality, or the image it puts out to the public.  It represents what that company stands for, what makes it special, and what sets it apart from its competitors.  From a marketing standpoint, this includes product positioning, voice in advertising, and the company’s logo.  From an HR perspective, branding includes the company’s reputation, mission, and core values.  Both perspectives aim to use the company’s brand to attract (and keep) interested parties.  A company that suffers from a less-than-perfect reputation or that lacks a solid mission statement may be in need of an HR rebranding to catch and keep those key players.

Catching key talent.  When it comes to hiring, the current economy leaves little room for error.  That’s why, whenever possible, it’s critical to find the right fit the first time around.  So how do you do it?  Make sure your HR strategy is in touch with your business plan.  Your social media strategy should align with your industry and your company’s goals.  Don’t forget to attend college seminars and career fairs.  Implement—and advertise—HR strategies aimed at young employees, including flexible hours and telecommuting options.

Keeping key talent.  Much like customers, employees are more apt to stay with a company when they’re happy and when they’re given what they were promised.  If your company is falling short of either of those criteria, brand trust and loyalty (and employee morale) will suffer.  So for step one, if your company is advertising flex time, make sure you can deliver it when that young up-and-comer wants to go to her son’s soccer game.  And if you’ve promised an expensive standard the budget can no longer sustain, such as tuition reimbursement or a Cadillac health insurance plan, see how less-expensive measures may fulfill the same need.

Riding the wave of change.  What would you think of the Wendy’s fast-food chain if it was still using the “Where’s the Beef?” slogan from 1984?  Any effective marketing strategy has a finite lifetime.  It will need to evolve with changing markets, and your employer brand is no different.  Keep an eye on competitive markets.  What are the going salaries for your company’s positions?  What are the latest offerings in employee benefits and recognition programs?  What are the current trends in your industry?  By arming yourself with knowledge of your market, you can keep your employer brand fresh and remain attractive to current and prospective employees.  And remember, if you can’t afford an in-house massage service, maybe you could work chiropractic care into the health benefits.

Is your company still wondering where the beef is?  If your employer brand is behind the times, the professional HR consultants at YES! Your Human Resources Solution can help.  We keep abreast of the latest HR trends, and can help your business stay competitive during the recruitment and retention processes.  We’ll do the legwork for you by issuing employee surveys about recognition programs and compensation.  We’ll research competitors’ offerings to see how your business compares.  We’ll work with management to help you build an employer brand that is sure to catch and keep top talent.

Get to the bottom of what your workforce really wants!  Give YES! Your Human Resources Solution, Orange County’s premier HR consultants, a call or visit our website for a free consultation.

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Client Testimonials

"Kathi has been an extremely reliable, knowledgeable and indispensable resource for our growing business. Anytime we had a difficult issue or needed to refine, replace or upgrade our HR communication, Kathi provided outstanding support and feedback. She is a wonderful person and an outstanding, solution oriented communicator. I can't recommend her enough to businesses who need assistance with HR strategy and support."

"Kathi is reliable, knowledgeable, and an excellent communicator. She has always been readily available to help us with all of our immediate needs, from handbooks to policies, and notices. We highly recommend her. A great team player."

"SPMD has been partnering with Kathi for almost 4 years. She is a fantastic partner to our design firm. Her experience, knowledge, professionalism and ability to problem solve is the perfect package to fit our business. Over the years she has helped us navigate many employee situations quickly and re-wrote our Employee Handbook. Kathi is always there in a heartbeat when a situation arises and has the answers and advice we need. We highly recommend Kathi!"

“Kathi provided Senior Human Resources leadership to Orqis Medical for over six years. Her effectiveness is immediate, her contributions substantial, and her ability to integrate into the employee base as a consultant outstanding. I highly recommend Kathi to any company looking for senior management help in the HR arena, without the ability to hire a full-time manager. This is a go-to person for any small, medium, or start-up company.”

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